25 Mar

Animal Vision Simulator Video
List of Best Animal vision App
Below are some of the best simulators available in google play store and apple store.
1. Animal Vision Simulator by Humble Kid Creation
2. Animal Vision by Deligence Technologies
3. Animal Vision : HOW ANIMALS SEE THE WORLD? by ILab
What is Animal Vision Simulator?
Using your mobile device, Animal Vision simulator allows you to see the things from the perspective of a variety of animals in real time.
Exploring your surroundings with the help of animal vision simulator, and see the world through the animal's vision!
You can use this kind of animal vision mobile apps to select the best toy for your pets or to create a more comfortable surroundings for them. Animal Vision app streams the appearance directly from camera of your mobile phone and processes it to simulate vision of chosen animal.
Do look for different animal vision apps for each type of animals like:
- Cat Vision Simulator
- Dog Vision Simulator
- Rabbit Vision Simulator
- Mouse Vision Simulator
- Bird Vision Simulator
- Fish Vision Simulator
How do animals see the world?
Just several animals explore the world as humans do, whether through one or many eyes, in technicolor or black and white.
We can simulate what the world would look like from the eyes of animals by analyzing the characteristics of their visual systems.
Can animals see colour?
Different animals can perceive different colors from a wide range of spectral bands. A few creatures see very little color, whereas bees and butterflies see more than human beings.
What about pet animals? Do they see colors?
The answer is not as simple as you might think, because color does not exist. Color is the way of our brains to process light wavelengths.
Light enters our eyes and is converted into nerve impulses by specialized cells (photoreceptor cone cells), which are then transmitted to the brain and processed further into different colors.
Human eyes do have over 120 million rod cells, which process low-level light and object shape but not color.
Animal visions colors
How does a dog see the world? (Dog vision color)
Human eyes have 3 kinds of color-detecting cells known as cones, dogs only have two color-detecting cells. Dog's cone cells are trained to detect yellow and blue-to-ultraviolet color.
Each cone layer includes a pigment that is sensitive to different wavelengths of light.
The number of colors that an animal observes is determined by a combination of color-sensitive pigments in their eyes and brain processing.
Dogs can't differentiate that many colors as Humans can because they have only two cone types.
How does a cow see the world? (Cow vision color)
Cows/Cattles see muted types of yellow and blue in addition to gray and black. Cows, only have two color color-detecting cells known as cones. They won't see every possible shade of yellow and blue, particularly as they move toward the green spectral range, but their vision isn't entirely made up of grayscale.
How does a bird see the world? (Bird vision color)
Since good eyesight is required for safe flight of the birds, vision is the most important sense for bird species. Birds do have number of adjustments that allow them to have better visual cognitive ability than other vertebrate groups; a pigeon has been known for having "two eyes with wings." Birds have the finest eyes in the animal world in relation to their size, and as a result, motion is restricted within the eye's bony socket. It is secured by a third transparent flexible membrane in combination with two eyelids located in vertebrates. The inner anatomy of the eye is comparable to that of other vertebrates, but it has an architecture, the pecten oculi, that is unique to birds.
How does a horse see the world? (Horse vision color)
Some colors are visible to horses. They, however, do not see color in the same way that humans do. Human beings and other primates have trichromatic color vision because their eyes contain three types of cone cells. Dichromatic color vision is the most common type of color vision in non-primate animal species, which include horses. A horse's vision is closely related to that of a human who is colorblind in the red-green spectrum. Blues and yellows are the only colors that horses can see. However, unlike humans, horses are unlikely to see any intermediate hues.
How does a rabbit see the world? (Rabbit vision color)
Rabbits can see everything around them at the same time. Apart from front, where they become short-sighted, the majority of rabbit's vision is long-sighted (which allows them to see better at long distances). In addition, they have a blind spot straight in the front of their nose. Although most of their eyesight is monocular (can sees with only 1 eye), they do have binocular vision but only in straight view. They recognize patterns and objects best when they are directly in front of them. They see color but are colorblind in the red-green spectrum. Rabbit eyesight is not as sharp as human eye, but it allows them to see better in low brightness. Their vision has evolved to allow them to see predators quickly from any angle and to feed at dawn and dusk.
How does a cat see the world? (Cat vision color)
Cats, like humans, are thought to be trichromats, but not in the same way. A cat's vision is closely related to that of a colorblind human. They could see blue and green shades, but reds and pinks can be perplexing. These may occur more green, whereas purple may seem to be a different shade of blue.
Jay Pala